14 December 2002 - ATTENTION ALL 101 CAV SOLDIERS! 10-12 January 2003, the battalion will be at Camp Smith, doing a complete update of all personnel records! Make sure you bring the following so we can properly update your information (this affects pay after all!):
certificates / divorce decrees THIS DRILL IS MANDATORY FOR ALL SOLDIERS! Exceptions will be on an individual basis, approved by company commanders only! Leaders - keep your soldiers informed about this drill, and make contact with them prior to 10 JAN! Make sure your people are present! 18 November 2002 - Change 2 to the drill schedule has been posted to the training page. Please take a close look at it, we now have a January drill at Camp Smith for the entire battalion, where we will conduct Soldier Readiness Processing in order to get everyone's records up to date. This is the only chance we have to get all the resources together to do this in this Training Year, so make sure we maximize our attendance! Also, make sure you inform your soldiers of the information they will need to bring with them to complete their records! This includes:
- Records of medical exams (SF Forms 88 and 93) Ensure that soldiers bring their PT uniform as well, as those with overdue physicals will be sent to Stewart ANGB for a new physical exam! 23 October 2002 - The latest update to the drill schedule has been posted here. Lots of changes, so take a look and pass the word to your fellow soldiers. The Cav Ball was a rousing success! We had about our biggest attendance ever, and a good time was had all around. I'm looking for picture submissions to add to the ones I took, if anyone has some. Just let me know (see my email address at the bottom of the page). Our October drill is also complete, with weapons qualification and CTT training for the entire battalion up at Camp Smith. We also have another weapons qualification weekend coming up later this year, down at Ft. Dix. Pop up targets next time! This past weekend was our Battalion awards ceremony as well. The new Defense of Liberty medal was awarded to all our soldiers who were with us during our state activations last year, with the WTC device for everyone who served at Ground Zero. Additionally, the Top Gun awards for Tank Table VIII and XII were presented, among many others. Congratulations to all those who excelled this past year! As many of you may know, our focus this year is on individual readiness. As part of that, we are emphasizing PT, weapons qualification, and PRF updates. The S1 section will be coming to each company on a drill to update PRFs, so be prepared to go through your folder with us. Last but not least - Tuition Incentive Program. HHC soldiers: the deadline for Spring 03 applications to the company is 1 DEC 02. If you miss the deadline, you will not get tuition! 19 September 2002 - Change 1 to the TY 2003 training schedule has just been posted. Take a look - some of our drill dates have changed! 19 August 2002 - More images added today, courtesy of CSM Gilmore. Follow the link below (the 28 July entry), or follow the link to AT 2002 on the "Images" page. Video coming soon! 31 July 2002 - More images added today, courtesy of CPL Thimmaiah. Follow the link below (the 28 July entry), or follow the link to AT 2002 on the "Images" page. 28 July 2002 - Halfway through AT! Today B and C Companies are finishing up the last tanks on Tank Table VIII, and beginning our preparations for Tank Table XII. Meanwhile, HHC has been conducting NBC training and familiarization firing on the .50 caliber machine gun. Additionally, the staff has been conducting JANUS training in order to prepare for the upcoming Brigade Warfighter exercise in August. Click the image below to to see the first batch of pictures from AT. More to follow soon! 18 July 2002 - The time has come once again for another Annual Training. This year, the battalion is split, with 2 companies (B and C) at Ft. Drum for their gunnery, and A Company going to Ft. Knox in August to train on the new Zussman urban combat site (should be very interesting!). So expect to see pictures and video from our training here very soon, as things start to accelerate this summer!
The mailing address at AT will
To contact a soldier in an emergency:
(1) Call the American Red Cross: 1-877-272-7337
Remember! The unit cannot legally release a
soldier without a confirmation of the emergency through the Red Cross!
29 April 2002 - It has been a very busy month here! A and D Companies have spent the last two weekends practicing platoon tactics in the Mobile CCTT here at Staten Island, while B and C Companies went up to Ft. Drum to train for gunnery. The battalion staff ran its first JANUS exercise with our new system, and had tremendous training results from it. Expect us to be making heavy use of our simulation assets from now on! In other news, the battalion has received word that the fielding date for our M1A1 tanks has been moved up! We expect to receive the tanks around the beginning of TY 2004, about 18 months from now. For those looking to fill in their social calendars, mark this date down: 28 SEP 02. The Cavalry Ball will be held that day, from 8-12 PM, at The Staaten, 679 Forest Avenue, Staten Island. The cost for E5 and below will be $25.00, and $45.00 for E6 and above. All are encouraged to attend - attire is Dress Blues (or Class A with bow tie) for military, and formal attire for civilian. Important information for all soldiers! The cutoff date for applications for the Tuition Incentive program for the Fall 2002 semester is 15 AUG - just after AT for most of us, and right at the beginning for A Company. Do not delay getting your application in! The longer you wait, the more likely you are to be denied! Also, we have had a recent rash of soldiers being discharged because they waited too long to re-enlist. Don't let this happen to you! Remember that the Army will discharge you 30 days after your ETS date. If you don't re-enlist PRIOR to your ETS, your re-enlistment will not get to the state in time to stop them from discharging you! If your ETS is coming up, see your retention NCO as soon as possible. Commanders and First Sergeants, make sure you contact soldiers with upcoming ETS dates and get them in to see your retention NCO!
29 March 2002 - Our training kicks into high gear this coming month, with B and C Companies heading up to Ft. Drum to begin this year's gunnery training using the Tank Weapons Gunnery Simulation System (TWGSS), while A and D Companies hone their maneuver skills in the Close Combat Tactical Trainer (CCTT). Meanwhile, the battalion staff is taking full advantage of the newly fielding JANUS battle simulation system to practice planning and executing battalion level missions. All in all, a busy month for us! In case you missed it, we are now able to notify you automatically when this page changes. That way you will know immediately when new events come up, or the drill schedule changes. Just click on the link in the section above to be taken to the sign up page! For those who have not seen it, our battalion Executive Officer, MAJ Durr, wrote an article for Armor Magazine which was published in the most recent edition. The article chronicles the 101st Cavalry's involvement in the events of September 11th and the following weeks. Click here for the text of the article.
14 January 2002
- Even though the end is in sight for
Task Force Wingfoot, we continue to put our full effort into the mission.
This month, we have some pictures of our soldiers, working their posts,
providing security for NYC as well as supporting the troops in the
21 December 2001
- Our mission in NYC continues,
but we have managed to find our "battle rhythm" so that we can allow soldiers to
take some time off each week. In addition, Squadron A generously provided
the support (and funds) for us to have our families come down to Ft. Hamilton
for Thanksgiving dinner. We would like to thank the members of Squadron A
for all of the support that they have given us during this activation.
Their support has not only allowed us to have the holidays with our families,
but to assist soldiers in financial need until their State Active Duty pay was
In other news, we would like to congratulate our three
newest sergeants! Timothy Marcantonio (D Co.), Montgomery Prescod (HHC),
and Kenneth Vishinski (C Co) graduated from the Primary Leadership Development
Course (PLDC) on the 15th of December, and were promoted effective the 16th of
December. To the Utmost!
7 November 2001
- Change of Mission: The 101st
Cavalry, with elements of the 53rd Troop Command, has taken over the mission of
providing security within the city of New York. For the next 90 days, our
soldiers will be guarding the bridges and tunnels, the train stations, and the
area immediately around ground zero.
For the families of our soldiers, you can send mail
to them at the following address:
Soldier's Rank, Name, Unit
Building 401
General Lee Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11252
We will continue to update this page as the mission
progresses, with pictures of our soldiers in action as well as information about
our future training schedule.